OLTRE LA SPECIE Aiutateci a protestare per questa barbarie: Per favore firmate la petizione di Sirius presso il sito: http://www.petitionpetition.com/cgi/petition.cgi?id=5435 (leggere con attenzione e seguire "Sign the Petition") Per chi volesse inoltre inviare una e-mail direttamente alle autorità responsabili questi sono gli indirizzi a cui scrivere: Vice Presidente delle Filippine: vpguingona@ovp.gov.ph ed in copia a: Press Secretary: opsnews@ops.gov.ph
Although I applaud your country's introduction of a law to protect companion animals (i.e. The Animal Welfare Act, 1998), I am shocked by your lack of resolve to enforce this law. Section 6 clearly states that; It also goes on to state; Evidence clearly proves that dogs are currently being sold for human consumption in Government-approved markets in blatant contravention of this law. These animals are treated with appaling cruelty. I respectfully request that you enforce your nation's law without delay. Until you do, I certainly cannot consider taking a holiday in the Philippines, nor of buying any products from your country. I will regretfully have to advise my friends to do the same. Yours sincerely Nome e Cognome Città e stato |